The Little Fabric Bazaar

Its been a while since I last posted as I’ve been so busy with various projects and life! But I wanted to share what I’ve been up to recently! In the last 6 months, I have met up with the new owner of an amazing fabric shop in North Wales called “The Little Fabric Bazaar” We used to be called “The Jersey Girls” which my friend Rebecca used to run on top of her day job. She had the most amazing news that she was now going to own a new shop (so exciting for both of us!). I help admin the “The Little Fabza Group” on Facebook in my spare time and help out with preorders and various other things.

Anyway, I’ve just come back from a 2-night stay in the gorgeous area of Llandudno. It took my family and I, 5.5 hours from Bedfordshire but it was well worth the trip for the in-store launch party to celebrate the opening of the shop, I just couldn’t miss the opportunity to celebrate with my friend. Plus it was fabric galore! Literally, from cotton to jersey to double gauze you name it, it’s in stock! It’s the most amazing fabric store I think I’ve ever seen! I am so proud that Rebecca has achieved her dream job and that she gets to do what she loves on a day to day basis (Yes, I am very jealous, not being surrounded by such beautiful fabric every day, but if I did there wouldn’t be any left for anyone else to buy). The shop is in such a beautiful part of Conwy actually inside the castle walls! It was epic walking down from the car park to find the shop, (for someone who loves castles it would be a dream to work there every day!). The in-store party was a big success and lots of people turned out to come and mark such an achievement. It was buzzing! I even managed to meet some of the “Jersey Girls” from our previous group name which was just amazing to put faces to names and just have a general chat about sewing and fabric! I was really in my element. It was really lovely to be surrounded by like-minded people who share a passion for all kinds of sewing related crafts. 

It was so sad that we had to travel back home the day after as I could have just lived in a corner in the shop! (I’m sure Rebecca wouldn’t have minded!). Here are some pictures that I took of the shop whilst I was there.

IMG_1112.jpgThis is Rebecca and me, both wearing clothes that we have made!


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