About Me

Hi, I'm Tanya!

I'm an environmentally conscious stay-at-home mum to my two young children, one boy and one girl. I taught myself how to sew using a vintage sewing machine borrowed from my in-laws so I could find myself a hobby after having my son in 2016. There started my passion for all things sewing!

How It Started

I started to make my son's clothing as I wanted to create wonderful and unique styles that reflected his personality and us as a family. I love to sew all things, but I quickly developed a passion for sewing environmentally friendly products for home use, as this was something we're always striving to improve as a family. My friends and family soon caught wind of my makes and before I knew it I had a demand for my products! I opened my business in 2018 (initially on Etsy) and since sold hundreds of eco-friendly items.


The Sewing Room

After moving house, I was able to set up my dream sewing room which has quickly become my sanctuary and enabled me to grow my business. All items in the shop are made here.

Nothing Goes To Waste

Whilst sewing, I am very mindful of waste and particularly reducing the amount of plastic that ends up in landfill. All my scraps of fabric left over from making big items are used for making smaller items (e.g. makeup remover wipes). All my too small scraps are sent to my son's school for them to use for their projects (some of which ends up back with us 🤣).

Thank you for your interest and support in my small business! ❤️

-Tan x